With the current events unfolding in Japan it brings to home the need for a emergency supply of survival items. Many governments are advising all people to have 3 days of water, food and first-aid supplies set aside in case of emergency situations. For me I think a better idea would be to have a minimum 7 days of clean water 1 gallon per person per day is a good place to start. Food items that are best in this type of kit include power bars, granola, MRE's, canned fruit, canned meat/fish, packaged nuts, trail mix, raisins and jerky. If you have a camp stove, wood stove or BBQ I would include canned soup's, pasta's, chilli and rice. Other items that can make a bad situation more comfortable are little things like instant coffee, tea bags, hot chocolate, hard candies, chocolate bars, gum or cigarettes.
As for non food items included in the kit a manual can opener, flashlight, candles, battery powered radio, emergency blankets, canned heat or small propane/kerosene heater, water proof matches/lighters and extra batteries for radio and flashlight's.
When it comes to first-aid kits really more is better but as long as you have a good basic home or auto kit it is better than nothing. One thing to remember is if you have long term running prescriptions never let your supply run down below 7 days.
I keep one bag of supplies packed just in case our family must evacuate in a hurry. In this I have power bars, granola, MRE's, jerky, packages of nuts, instant coffee, tea bags, bottled water, emergency blankets, campers first-aid kit, small flash light, candles, matches, camp pot, water purification tablets, 100' 550 paracord, hunting knife, folding saw and hatchet. This bag sits on a shelf in our garage every few months I will change out the water and some of the shorter life span food items. If we ever need to leave in a hurry it is right there waiting for us. Till next time keep prepping.
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